Aileron Brackets replacement

BRA202's picture


We have removed the ailerons and found that the bearing in the breakets have play. Thinking of remanufacturing the brackets and use new bearings. Does someone have drawings for the brackets and/or knows the material specs as well as the make and model of the bearings?

aileron bearings's picture

Those should be KSP4 bearings, available from aircraft spruce. They are pressed into the brackets and maybe also staked. You should be able to press the old ones out and press new ones in.

Aileron Brackets

Mv031161's picture

I had all of mine replaced during a very extensive and expensive annual and 1000 hour inspection. Every single bearing, rod end was replaced. The Original blue prints for the Giles 202 are in possession of Eric Minnis of Bully Aero in Burlington, NC. his # is 336-263-8558