ADS-B out solution

DTaylor N1210Y's picture


I'm (still) looking for Giles community help on how I might comply with the ADS-B out requirementin my G200.  I'm competing in the Advanced category, so I'm interested in a light-weight solution.  I currently have a 2 1/4" panel-mounted compact Becker ATC-4401-1-250 transponder.  But with only modes A/C, it won't fit the bill for ADS-B out, so (I believe) it'll need replacing as part of the solution. And to be eligible for the FAA rebate, the solution needs to be a TSO'd set up, although I'm guessing that'll be a financial tradeoff; i.e. it might cost more than $500 more to install a TSO'd solution vice something experimental.

G200 ADS-B out solution?

DTaylor N1210Y's picture

[Edited repost] I'm (still) looking for Giles community help on how I might comply with the ADS-B out requirement in my G200.  I'm competing in the Advanced category, so I'm interested in a light-weight solution.  I currently have a 2 1/4" panel-mounted compact Becker ATC-4401-1-250 transponder.  But with only modes A/C, it won't fit the bill for ADS-B out, so (I believe) it'll need replacing as part of the solution. And to be eligible for the FAA rebate, the solution needs to be a TSO'd set up, although I'm guessing that'll be a financial tradeoff; i.e. it might cost more than $500 more to install a TSO'd solution vice something experimental.  If I go with an integrated Transponder, I would still need to mount the GPS antenna somewhere, and would welcome suggestions.

Dave T.